Pile Perch (Rhacochilus vacca)

2015-10-05 Parksville - Madrona Point, Water Temp - 55F, 15ft deep. The sea perch do not like to have their picture taken.


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  • LESTER D FLAKE on 2020-Apr-10 17:08:48 LESTER D FLAKE said

    I fished for these in Coos Bay as a boy in the summer of 1957 using hermit crabs and fishing from a floating log bay near Empire Oregon. This is a nice photo and it must have taken great skill to get this.. I am writing my memoirs and had a chapter on catching pile perch a floating log area and casting out into the outgoing tide. The action was fast and furious and most fish were 12 to 15 inches if I recall. We were sophomores in high school and thought we were invincible although I have not idea if my friend could swim. The outgoing tide was swift and probably dangerous but the fishing was incredible. Do you allow use of this photo if proper recognition is given? It would go nice with that chapter of my book. Nice work. Les Flake, Springville,Utah


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